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Support Home Release notes SoftExpert Suite 2.2.3 SoftExpert Suite 2.2.3 Warnings and new features for version 2.2.3 Action plan - 2.2.3 Administration - 2.2.3 Analytics - 2.2.3 App builder - 2.2.3 APQP/PPAP - 2.2.3 Archive - 2.2.3 Asset - 2.2.3 Audit - 2.2.3 Business rule - 2.2.3 Capture - 2.2.3 Competence - 2.2.3 Configuration - 2.2.3 Copilot - 2.2.3 Customer - 2.2.3 Data integration - 2.2.3 Data lab - 2.2.3 Document - 2.2.3 Drive - 2.2.3 FMEA - 2.2.3 Form - 2.2.3 Gamification - 2.2.3 Inspection - 2.2.3 Kanban - 2.2.3 Knowledge base - 2.2.3 Maintenance - 2.2.3 Meeting - 2.2.3 Mobile - 2.2.3 MSA - 2.2.3 OKR - 2.2.3 PDM - 2.2.3 Performance - 2.2.3 Portfolio - 2.2.3 Process - 2.2.3 Project - 2.2.3 Protocol - 2.2.3 Request - 2.2.3 Requirement - 2.2.3 Risk - 2.2.3 SPC - 2.2.3 Storeroom - 2.2.3 Supplier - 2.2.3 Supply - 2.2.3 Survey - 2.2.3 Time control - 2.2.3 Training - 2.2.3 Workflow - 2.2.3 Workspace - 2.2.3